
Impact Portal - an open-source social change network initiative

Our world is changing so fast that it is hard to comprehend our current reality, trends, the consequences and even the pace of change itself. What we know is that humanity faces the greatest challenge of the past 3000 years. If we do nothing we will inevitably hit the (environmental-social-economical) wall very hard.

Whatever the subject, I find that there is no system designed specifically to support long-lasting social and environmental change, i.e. large-scale cooperation & effective altruism by

Design Principles

That's why we're designing an open source community portal that:

1. Helps people assess knowledge and habits they have in different areas (e.g. basic self-knowledge, nonviolent communication, facilitating group discussions and decisions, healthy lifestyle, growth mindset, animal protection, sustainability, etc.) and helps them choose the next steps that are the easiest to take (personalized support beyond raising awareness)

2. Helps to develop new lasting habits by connecting with other people and communities who are close to you and have similar goals (support long-term personal change)

3. Helps volunteers find opportunities about the right topic and space-time for them, highlighting the long-term impact over one-off help (Effective altruism, help company employees to do more valuable help rather than just painting fences and other superficial things)

4. Helps community organizers to connect easier with other issues, communities, organizers, and volunteers to speed up the realization of their goals.

Projecting on the topic of climate change eg. the website would gather in one place eg. knowledge and good practice of „zero waste” initiatives; it would help to develop the related habits and to organize such communities, initiatives.

Using service design methodology, it important to be able to interview several community organizers and volunteers, which can be used to design the right IT solution.



To find out about why current existing systems are not adequate, see our Impact Portal alternatives

UN 17 goals



Code of Conduct